Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Blood component therapy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Blood component therapy - Assignment Example It has been observed that there is a disorganized practice to place the orders for blood requirement in elective surgeries moreover incidence show a wasteful use of blood in the execution of elective surgeries (Gianoutsos, 2008). It is therefore essential that there should be an approach of â€Å"group and screen† procedure compared to going for the full cross-match once transfusion is compulsory and therefore orders must be placed accordingly (Gianoutsos, 2008). In order to avoid the occurrence of hepatitis and HTLV-III infections, an approach of predeposit autotransfusion was realized specifically in elective surgery. This facilitates the conservation of homologous blood and creates an awareness and understanding for the proceeds of autotransfusion (Rebulla, 1987). This kind of approach finds its way through the advancement in the use of preservatives. The method has the advantage over the homologous transfusion where an individual receives the donor’s blood and hence risk life with hepatitis (risk is 46%), malaria, syphilis, allergic reaction (risk is 20 -25%) and mismatches due to any technical errors (risk is 61%). It is therefore essential for planned surgeries to have an autologist transfusion of blood to eliminate risks as it speed up the healing process (Holm, 1981). In order to find out the extent to which autologous blood that has been donated in advance and is used by the patient during the process of elective surgery, a study was carried out where 4996 patients undergoing elective surgery, of these, 1287 patients placed order for cross-matched blood even though 590 patients were found to be suitable for predepositing blood suggesting unawareness about predepositing blood. Merely 5% (32 patients) of the patients predeposited the blood, still 4 amongst these got homologous blood. The study concludes that by predonation of blood 68% homologous blood transfusion could have been avoided (Toy, 1987). This is autologous

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hamlet Appearance vs Reality Essay Example for Free

Hamlet Appearance vs Reality Essay Appearance vs. reality in Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, is a jaded yet common theme. This play is teeming with characters that play their roles behind a veil of duplicity. They often appear to be one way when they really are something entirely different. Things within the play appear to be true and honest but in reality are polluted with evil. Many of the characters within the play hide behind a mask of dishonesty. Four of the main characters that hid behind this mask are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and King Claudius. From behind this mask they give the impression of a person who is sincere and true, in reality they are overwhelmed with lies and evil. One of the most obvious examples of appearance vs. reality in Hamlet is the character of Claudius. Claudius longed to be king, rule the land and crown his queen. He gave no regard to the feelings of the family. He was jealous and ruthless in pursuing his dream†¦ruthless to the point of murder. He pretends to be concerned and upset with the actions of Hamlet and his well being, when in reality he is frightened that Hamlet is aware of his deadly secret. It was as if he cast a spell on the whole kingdom for his own self-fulfilling interest. Our â€Å"innocent† Claudius even summons spies to investigate the origin of Hamlet’s madness†¦not for the good of Hamlet but for himself. He is indeed a jaded character, whose kind aura masks the face of a selfish murderer as he says â€Å"whose whisper o’er the world’s diameter, as levels as the cannon to his blank transports his poisoned shot, may miss our name and hit the woundless air. Oh come away! My soul is full of discord and dismay! †- Claudius, act 4 scene 1, lines 42-46. This quote demonstrates how Claudius seems to be worried about Hamlet and his actions when he is really fearful of him discovering the truth. In addition, the king’s royal associate, Polonius, appears to be a loyal and trustworthy servant to the kingdom throughout the play, willing to take on tasks and burdens requested by their majesties. However, in reality Polonius is an evil, greedy selfish man, who serves not his kingdom but himself. One example of this is how Polonius appears to be happy, concerned and supportive of his son, Laerte’s, journey to France. He seems to be supportive of his son until he sends Reynaldo as an emissary, in order to detect what sort of mischief he stumbles upon in France. In addition, Polonius, again, displays his devious characteristics when he spies on Hamlet and Ophelia in an attempt to analyze Hamlet’s madness. He soon orders Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet, as he brainwashes her with lies about Hamlets motives, when in reality Hamlet is truly in love with Ophelia. Once again, Polonius proves his scheming behavior when he listens in on Hamlet and Gertrude’s conversation while in the bedchamber. Hamlet finally teaches him his lesson when he unexpectedly murders the â€Å"rat. † In reality Polonius is anything but a loving father watching out for his children, he uses everyone to his advantage and for his own purposes; this proves as evidence for his sneaky demeanor. Even two of Hamlet’s childhood friends are victims of the appearance vs. reality theme. They were sent and bribed by the king and queen to try and determine the cause of Hamlet’s insanity. They approach Hamlet as long-lost pals when they are really anything but. They were there not as friends but hired help for Hamlet’s condition. In act 2 scene 2 line 299, Guildenstern quotes â€Å"What should we say my lord? † Completely denying the fact that they were sent for by the king and queen. Hamlet quickly reveals the truth and says, Were you not sent for/ And there is a kind of confession in your looks, which your modesties have not craft in color. (Shakespeare 2:2:278) From these words he is demanding an answer from his schoolmates as to their unexplained arrival. At the end he tells them nothing. As the play continues his friends are asked again by the king to go to Hamlet and try again to find the real reason for Hamlet’s behavior. Hamlet insults them at every chance knowing that they are lying to him about their purpose of the visit, ’Tis as easy as lying: govern these ventages with you finger and thumb, give it breath with your mouth (Shakespeare 3:2:348) The twins show their appearance of being Hamlets friends but in truth they have a hidden reason for visiting with Hamlet. Both show that it will be very difficult for Hamlet to uncover the reliability hidden within the lies. Throughout the play, characters help to show the theme, which is appearance verses reality. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and the king all appear to be good and honest. As Hamlet finds out, all contain lies and have hidden intentions within them. As each character is presented in the play all appear to be good and honest making it a hard for Hamlet to uncover the hidden truth about the nature of each character. Throughout the play everyone puts up a front so to speak, for different reasons. Hamlet believed that the world was corrupt and deceiving, this led him to become violently ambitious. Claudius was manipulative and cunning, and used his greed to achieve what he desired. Deception is a major theme of the play. Obviously throughout the play there are many discrepancies between appearance vs. reality. It seems everyone is jaded and full of deception or ulterior motives. With such controversial people in the kingdom, it is quite appropriate to state that there truly is something rotten in the state of Denmark.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Trail Of Tears :: American America History

Trail Of Tears On September 15, 1830, at Little Dancing Rabbit Creek, the Chiefs of the Choctaw Nation and representatives of the U.S. met to discuss the impact of a bill recently passed by the Congress of the U.S. This bill, with all the same good intentions of those today who believe they know better than we how to conduct our lives, allowed for the removal of all Indian peoples to the West of the Mississippi River. It had been made clear to the Choctaw, that the Whites in Washington cared little for our situation, that either we willingly moved, or by military force we would be moved. We were not ignorant savages, but industrious farmers, merchants, and businessmen of all types. We were educated people, many were Christians. We had an organized system of government and a codified body of law. Some of these people were not even Indians, many strangers and orphans had been taken in over the years. The Chiefs and Warriors signed the treaty, realizing they had no option. For doing this the government officials guaranteed, in the body of the treaty, safe conveyance to our new homes. (Do not forget for a moment that in this treaty, the Choctaw traded 10.3 million acres of land east of the Mississippi for 10.3 acres in Oklahoma and Arkansas that we already owned under previous treaties) Further, it included provisions and monetary annuities, to assist the people to make a new start. One half of the people were to depart almost immediately, the rest the next year. After the signing of the treaty, many saw their land and property sold before their own eyes. The "conveyances" promised turn out to be a forced march. At the point of a gun, the pace killed many of the old, exposure and bad food killed most. Rotten beef and vegetables are poor provisions, even for the idle. Many walked the entire distance without shoes, barely clothed. What supplies were given had been rejected by the whites. This cannot directly blamed on the government, nearly all of this was done by unscrupulous men, interested only in maximizing their profits. They government's fault lies in not being watchful of those taken into their charge. Many of the old and the children died on the road. At each allowed stop, the dead were buried. Hearing of this many escaped. They knew that as they signed the rolls, to be "removed", that this might as well be their death warrants.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Illuminati Essay

On the first experiment, they use a pepper-like substance called Potassium Permanganate (KMn04) which is an oxidant and an oil-like substance called Brake Fluid which is a fuel. When they combined these two substances in a stainless container, this results on having a little fire on the container. And they said it is because of the Chemical Reaction made by the two substances and the mixture should release energy in the form of heat that’s why this results on combustion. At first, I thought that the Brake Fluid they used is just a simple Cooking Oil and the Potassium Permanganate is just a pepper.But those â€Å"simple† substances I thought made an amazing experiment which makes me understand how heat was released by a Chemical Reaction. On the second experiment, the special substance they use is Dry Ice – which is a Frozen Carbon Dioxide – together with a balloon, funnel, mortar and pestle (to crush the Dry Ice) and a bottle with water. They crushed the D ry Ice first into small pieces then they put in the funnel which is connected to the balloon, and after this they put the balloon with Dry Ice onto the bottle with water.They let the Dry Ice be poured into the water which results in Sublimation and the gas this made was used to inflate the balloon. This gas is called Carbon Dioxide. I already knew that a Dry Ice is a Frozen Gas, but I didn’t know that this gas is a Carbon Dioxide which is commonly used to inflate a balloon. Before the experiment started, I knew that the combination of Dry Ice and water has something to do to inflate the balloon because I’ve done this before with my siblings.On the third experiment, they used a wick, an aluminum tray, one spoon of salt peter (salitre), one spoon of sugar and lighter. First they combined the salt peter and sugar into the tray then they insert the wick. After that they light it using the lighter and this result on having a smoke-effect because of Oxidation. I have learned so many things on this experiment, first is that when the salt peter and sugar were heated, the electrons of the sugar were transferred to the salt peter. And that the molecules released with oxygen will be a smoke which we can be seen.On the last experiment, Faye Young, a Prosthetics Artist made fake blood using water, corn syrup, liquid soap and food color, these liquids are Miscible – refers to two/more substances that can be dissolve into one another without separating. And she also did a fake finger using Clay which is a Malleable object, and she painted it with make-up foundation. I am amazed on how simple objects like Clay, Food Color, Liquid Soap, Corn Syrup and Water can be an effective additive on creating illusions or imitations of some parts of a human body (like fingers and blood).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Qualitative Data Methods in Researching Organizational Commitment Essay

This paper discusses methods that generate qualitative data which entails a place in researching organizational commitment. A thorough review of the qualitative data methods rooted in certain research philosophies are presented with an explanation of why these are so important in the research of organizational commitment. A research is defined as a human activity based on intellectual investigation and its objective has the aim to discover, interpret, and revise human knowledge on the different aspects of the world (Fox, 2000, p. 237). A research philosophy is as an idea about the way data about an event should be able to be collected, evaluated and used. In the Western tradition of science, there are two major research philosophies that are known. The major research philosophies are the positivist or the scientific approach and the interpretivist which is also known as the non-scientific approch (Straub, Gefen, & Boudreau, 2004). Positivism Positivism is defined as a philosophy that is able to state that the only authentic knowledge is the scientific knowledge. Positivism is a research philosophy wherein its objectives which are based on a qualitative approach are aimed to depict and investigate an in depth phenomena as further discussed by Straub, Gefen, and Boudreau (2004). The positivist view is shared by naturalists who are skilled people believing in scientific progress. Thus, gaining knowledge can be acquired through observation and experimentation. Positivists are those who believed that reality is constant and established. Reality is also observed and can be explained from an objective point of view. Positivists often argue that the phenomena being studied should be an isolated. Indeed, observations in the study of the phenomena should be repeatable. The repetition of the observations in the study of a phenomenon is often associated with the manipulation of reality. There are variations in the manipulation of reality and the variations only come from a single variable. According to Hirschheim (1985), the single variable is able to form relationships and this is also a way to recognize the regularities of the social world. Predictions are derived basing from the realities that were already observed and clarified. Collingwood (1994) specified that historians of the positivism approach had been following and adopting the methods of science which is really a characteristic of the positivist approach. The positivist historians and philosophers are being able to observe things and simplify the laws by using the induction method. The inductive reasoning is used in science and scientific method. The historical positivists are upholding the thought that the mind is not necessarily different from nature. Moreover, they have maintained that natural processes are just as the same with the processes of history. Like the idea of Hirschheim (1985), the positivist historians also believed that empathy and pure instinct were regarded as unscientific and were dismissed. Collingwood further explained that empirical ideas are those ideas which can easily generate with his own eyes, therefore, are regarded as facts that are right away given in just pure observation with no experimental basis (Collingwood, 1994). Hence, qualitative data is basically of the positivist nature which is the kind of approach that is dominant in research on the topic. Interpretivism In epistemology, interpretivism is defined as the view that all knowledge is a matter of interpretation (Hirschheim, 1985). Reality is only understood in the context of interpretivism if it is based on a subjective interpretation and intervention. Natural environment is involved and is a major part of their study of a phenomenon. The interpretivists believe that there are many interpretations that exist in their studies of the phenomena. Despite of the presence of the many interpretations, interpretivists are being able to maintain that many interpretations are part of their scientific knowledge which they continually pursue. However, interpretivism is generally regarded as linked with non-scientific approach. Therefore, the methods that generate qualitative data are not of the interpretivist nature. Research Strategy A research strategy is characterized as a plan of action that normally gives direction to the efforts done by a researcher (Trauth, 2001). Research strategy is that which allow or facilitate the conduction of a research which will be systematically done and not haphazardly done. Qualitative research methods are obtaining recognition beyond the conventional social sciences and these have turned out to be essential means in a broader methodology to applied research since they present useful insights into the points of view of study population (Myers, 1997, p. 241). The eminent input of qualitative study is the culturally precise and contextually rich information it generates. Examples of qualitative researches will be further discussed in the subsequent statements. As stated by Gummesson (2000), accomplishment considered on this basis has an influence, in line, on the cost-effectiveness, usefulness of involvements, major interests of project administrators and financial support groups. Qualitative research is a kind of systematic study. In most cases, scientific study is made up of an exploration that searches for answers to an inquiry, analytically makes use of a predefined series of processes in gathering facts, and constructs results that are appropriate beyond the direct limitations of the research. Qualitative study shares these attributes. Moreover, it seeks to recognize a specified study predicament or subject matter from the outlook of the laypeople it comprises. Qualitative research is principally valuable in getting hold of certain data concerning the ethics, views, and activities of specific populace. The strong point of qualitative study is its capability to supply intricate textual imagery of how populations come across a particular research concern. The research strategies which are dominant in the study are the use of surveys and ethnography. A researcher is being able to gather data about the practices, situations, and point of views of different people through these strategies. The researcher can use the questionnaires for gathering data. Interviews can also be used. Existing relationships present in the surveys done were generated with the use of quantitative and analytical techniques. Through these techniques, several inferences about the practices, situations or point of views of different people will be obtained. The use of surveys by a researcher is typically related to the field and laboratory experiments but the data needed are gathered outside the laboratory or near the real life situation of the world (Krueger & Casey, 1994). One of the weaknesses of the use of surveys as a qualitative data method is that the researcher always find a difficult time in analyzing the results of the survey done. The reason why is that insights and ideas of people are difficult to measure. In this scenario, several biases are being committed by the researcher. One of the biases is the self-selecting nature of the people being interviewed. Another source of bias is the time during when the survey is done. The researcher is also a source of bias since he will be the one to choose which survey design he is going to use. Another research strategy is the use of ethnography. Ethnography is classified as a type of research wherein the focus is on the context of sociology. This is done through a closer observation of the phenomenon of involved in sociology and culture. A researcher of ethnography or ethnographer is paying attention on the community. The community is the place for him to focus and select informants. The informants should be able to know the different ideas regarding the activities done in the particular community. A chain sampling is used by the ethnographer to address the issues concerning the answers of the informants (Flyvbjerg, 2006). The use of the chain sampling is to saturate the informants in the observed areas of investigation. Clarifications of the issues given by previous informants are obtained by using the multiple interviews done by some informants. The purpose of the multiple interviews is to obtain a deeper response from the informants regarding the investigation of issues done in the community. The process of multiple interviews also is able to give the ethnographer a revealed cultural understanding of the subject being investigated in the community. Thus, the collective data gathered in the community by the responses of the community is more important than the subjective data (Fetterman, 1998). The method involve in ethnography is initiated with the selection of a culture to be studied. Literature review of the selected culture is done. Variables of interest which are perceived to be significant and important by the members of the community are being identified by the ethnographer. After the first step, the ethnographer is then ready to absorb the cultural activities of the community as well as the idea present in the culture. This is termed as the â€Å"cultural immersion† (Yin, 2003). The ethnographer is now being able to process the data for analysis and for the development of theory to happen. Several theories may be gathered from observation in the cultural Researches regarding ethnography can last for months or for years. s stated earlier, the ethnographer is being able to use of the informants and as he progress on the cultural immersion, he had already chosen the informants which will he use to facilitate his data gathering. After data gathering, immersion of the ethnographer, however, he must be careful not to do theoretical prejudice. Instead, theory must be based on the gathered perspective that was generated from the answers of the informants (Gold, 1997). For validation purposes, the ethnographer could go back to the community and ask questions to his informants for other reactions of issues related to the subject of investigation and study. To further realize the research techniques, it is important for the researcher to take into account the facts regarding qualitative and quantitative study approaches. Research techniques comprising quantitative information were founded and developed in the natural sciences. Techniques established in the quantitative study systems currently take in the utilization of experiments, both in laboratory and field work, and formal and numerical schemes. On the other hand, research processes relating to qualitative information were being instituted by the social sciences. Examples from research that has been done are the following. Qualitative research methods are obtaining recognition beyond the conventional social sciences, predominantly in public health and worldwide advancement study. As discussed by Gersten (2001), such methods of obtaining information are vital in the plan of thorough solutions to communal health dilemma in emergent nations, as scientists, doctors, pharmaceutical businesses, and humanitarian organizations have arrived to identify that biomedical solutions are just limited treatments. Additionally, a qualitative research on whether and how populations set out of deprivation may, for instance, integrate comprehensive accounts of the policies employed and problems stumbled upon by the underprivileged in their efforts to â€Å"move up† the economic hierarchy, conceivably by evaluating citizens who are deprived to distinctive levels or in various means in different locations. This investigation would therefore extend an integrated structure or outline to illustrate how the most relevant variables were correlated to one another (Mack et al. , 2005). The purpose the whole time would be to keep a record of how past and framework-specific procedures affect both the societal configurations and personal or group performance in and through which poverty is came upon, repeated, opposed, and prevailed over. Examining poverty and other concerns are inclined to be in support of technical skill, which may or may not incorporate a positive reception of the context of a range of circumstances, as qualitative methods and open-ended answers incline the balance of control and proficiency away from the researcher toward respondents and the public (Dudwick et al. 2006). The link between qualitative research methods and commitment is that organizations basically involve themselves in research in connection with their prospect goal which is development or to develop. The researcher’s drive and inspiration to conduct a qualitative research is generated from the fact that the only distinction of humans from the natural world is that humans are able to use the language to say and express what they wanted to tell. Qualitative researches are always being the researches opposed by the quantitative research. Some scientists who opposed the use of qualitative research are those who do not understand that qualitative research is a way for other researchers to examine what people think and believe about the issues that concerns the community and the culture which is present in each of the communities. It was argued and debated by Kaplan and Maxwell (1994, p. 45) that study being done in the phenomenon of the social and cultural context of the people in the community where they live is being lost when textual data from researches are being able to be quantified for further analysis. Conclusion In the above discussion on the different research philosophies, methods, approaches and strategies, a qualitative research is able to be done in a more systematic way. Choosing what method or strategy to be used in a research will solely depend on the perspective of the researcher. The researcher must be able to realize the subject of study before choosing which of the methods, philosophies and strategies of research to be used. The methods that are now acceptable include ethnography, case studies and action researches. Data are considered qualitative when it was generated from observations from fieldwork as well as interviews and questionnaires. Data that were derived from texts and documents and from the researcher-observer reactions, feelings and ideas are also valid data to be used as qualitative data. Each of the research philosophies, strategies, methods and approaches has their limitations for use. They are being able to use by a researcher because the researcher have understood all the advantages and limitations of that the research philosophy, strategy, approach and method that may bring success or failure to the research being done. There are qualities and characteristics that the researcher should be able to consider in order for him to choose the appropriate methods of research he is going to use. Moreover, the success of the research also depends in how the researcher is being able to weigh the appropriateness of a topic or the subject to be studied in relation to the methods that will be used. The methods that generate qualitative data have indeed a place in researching organizational commitment since qualitative data methods are important in characterizing issues which are not taken into account by quantitative data methods. Organizational commitment involves the objectivity of studies being done which are needed to attain the organization’s goals. In particular cases, qualitative methods have certainly comparative advantage over quantitative methods, since descriptive analysis may be omitted in the quantitative approaches. These qualitative methods are highly applicable in conducting studies pertaining to the aforementioned examples. Qualitative techniques both regard and integrate practical expertise into the study of progress achievements and failures. Such techniques are necessary for analyzing complicated matters of causality, course of action, and context. Open-ended inquiring and focus group deliberations are actually intended to give permission to respondents to recognize and communicate their main interests and concerns which are emancipated from researchers’ limitations and hypotheses. In contrast, quantitative methods are, in the usual course of events, less useful in comprehending context and process. As has been perceived all through this paper, qualitative research enhances the consistency and authenticity of presented quantitative tools, while creating its own distinguishing empirical contributions to strategy and venture plan. Generally, the link between qualitative research methods and commitment is that organizations involve themselves in research in connection with their prospect goal which is development or to develop.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Canadian Inventor Organizations

Canadian Inventor Organizations Who governs and decides intellectual property law in Canada? Where can you get intellectual property protection that provides coverage in Canada. The answer is CIPO - the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. Note: Does a patent in Canada protect rights in other countries? No. Patent laws are national so you must obtain a patent in each country in which you want protection. Did you know that 95% of Canadian patents and 40% of US patents were granted to foreign nationals? Canadian Intellectual Property Office English/French language The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), a Special Operating Agency (SOA) associated with Industry Canada, is responsible for the administration and processing of the greater part of intellectual property in Canada. CIPOs areas of activity include: patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs, and integrated circuit topographies. Canadian Patent LawThe Manual of Patent Office Practice (MOPOP) is maintained to ensure that it reflects the latest developments in the Canadian patent laws and practices. Patent and Trademark Databases If your idea has ever been patented before, you will not eligible for a patent. While hiring a professional is recommended an inventor should do at least preliminary search themselves and if capable a complete search. One purpose of a trademark search is to determine if someone has already trademarked your intended mark. Search Engine for Canadian PatentsThis database lets you access over 75 years of patent descriptions and images. You can search, retrieve and study more than 1,400,000 patent documents.International Patent SearchesSearch Engine for Canadian TrademarksThe search result(s) will contain the Trade-mark, Status, Application number, and Registration number (if it exists) of the document.International Trademark Searches Patent Classification Patent classification is a numbered filing system that helps manage the huge databases of patents. Patents are assigned a class number and name (not to be mistaken for issue number) based on what type of invention it is. Since 1978 Canada has used the International Patent Classification (IPC) which is maintained by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), one of 16 specialised agencies of the United Nations. International Patent Classification (IPC) Support, Funding Awards - National Industry CanadaPrograms and Services - By SubjectCanadian Technology NetworkIf you run a small or medium-sized technology related business in Canada, the Canadian Technology Network can give you access to a wide range of technology and related business assistance through a cross-country network of advisors.Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)IRAP has four main components:Technology Expertise and Advisory ServicesFinancial Assistance for RD activitiesNetworkingPartnershipsCanadian enterprises with under 500 employees and industrial associations desiring to enhance their technological capability are eligible for support.Ernest C. Manning Awards FoundationAwards by nomination Canadians who have demonstrated recent innovative talent in developing and successfully marketing a new concept, process or procedure, may be eligible for one of these awards: Principal Award ($100,000), Award of Distinction ($25,000), Innovation Awards (2 at $10,000). Continue Provincial National Western Economic Diversification CanadaFunding and other help for western Canadians. Alberta Calgary Innovation CentreThe Calgary Innovation Centre is a unique mentoring service established to help early stage companies grow revenue, address immediate business problems, and understand which financing options are available to grow their business. The services of the Calgary Innovation Centre are available at no cost to entrepreneurs in the technology sector. Alberta Research Council ServicesFounded in 1921 as a provincial research council, the Alberta Research Council Inc develops and commercializes technology. ARC will perform applied research and development for you on a contract basis or co-venture with you to develop new technologies, earning a return on investment from the commercialization of products and processes. Their strengths are in the agriculture, energy, environment, forestry, health and manufacturing industries. Their investment focus is on technology platforms based on capabilities developed for these industries. ARC hires permanent, temporary, casual and sea sonal employees (inventors and engineers). Advanced Education and TechnologyLook under Technology Priorities to learn about innovative scientific research, development and application activities happening in Alberta. Other sections include information on scholarships, careers, trades, and more. British Columbia British Columbia Institute of TechnologyProvides support and funding for BCIT students and faculty.Innovation Resource CentreProvides support to new and established entrepreneurs through both one to one advising as well as workshops and seminars. BC Innovation CouncilFunds a range of programs that support and encourage established and emerging innovators.Kootenay Association for Science Technology (KAST0)Sci-Tech NorthVancouver Enterprise Forum (VEF)SmartSeed IncT-Net British Columbia Local Community Clubs Groups British Columbia Inventors SocietyVancouver Electric Vehicle AssociationVancouver Robotics ClubSouth Vancouver Island Inventors c/o John A. Mayzel 1931 Hampshire Road, Victoria, BC Canada V8R 5T9 Manitoba Manitoba Inventors’ Society Saskatchewan National Ontario Quà ©bec Monde des Inventions Quà ©bà ©coisesLAssociation des inventeurs du Quà ©bec est un organisme sans but lucratif dont la mission est daider, encadrer et soutenir les inventeurs quà ©bà ©cois, dà ©fendre leurs droits et protà ©ger leurs intà ©rà ªts. National New Brunswick Newfoundland Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Innovation CorporationInNOVAcorp is a Nova Scotia company that promotes, stimulates and encourages the successful development of technology products and services for emerging entrepreneurs in the life sciences and IT industry. Supporting all of these activities is InNOVAcorps Corporate Services group. They source new projects, facilitate corporate planning, organize corporate marketing and maintain the corporations IT architecture. Prince Edward Island

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Arthur Ashe Jr.

Arthur Robert Ashe Jr. is a man of trust, courage, grace and honor. Although many of these attriobutes I share with Arthur, his high level of moral values and self reliance I aspire to achieve. Arthur was of African American decent and being born on July 10, 1943 in Richmond, Virginia he had to face many racial struggles and hardships. On the contrary, I was born and raised in somerset, New Jersey, in the 1990’s so my racial struggles were close to non-existent. Being of Italian- American decent, if I had lived in the time of Arthur Ashe I still would not have faced racial struggles as greatly as African Americans did in that time. Arthur was the first born just as I was, except he was the first and only while I on the other hand have three siblings. We were both born into extremely loving and caring families. Arthur was raised by extremely strict parents and was not even allowed to go out after school or hang out with friends as I do occasionally. His father just like my parents set goals for self-reliance, discipline and responsibility. Because of those goals Arthur began to take great pride in his reputation. I also feel as if I’m always being judged. We have both been called â€Å"quiet† people but Arthur eventually grows out of that and my parents tell me I’m beginning to do the same. Both of our parents, to our displeasure, force us to do our numerous chores before anything else. The difference lies within the punishment for disobeying our parents wishes. The so called â€Å"beatings† that Arthur received in his time were nothing unordinary yet if those beatings were to occur t oday they would be seen as wrong and inhumane. Despite the differences we share many similar diversions such as good quality time with our families. Arthur was known to spend countless hours reading and listening to music with his mom. Yet at the age of 6 Arthur had to face one of the most traumatic expierences of his life when he lost his mother, M... Free Essays on Arthur Ashe Jr. Free Essays on Arthur Ashe Jr. Arthur Robert Ashe Jr. is a man of trust, courage, grace and honor. Although many of these attriobutes I share with Arthur, his high level of moral values and self reliance I aspire to achieve. Arthur was of African American decent and being born on July 10, 1943 in Richmond, Virginia he had to face many racial struggles and hardships. On the contrary, I was born and raised in somerset, New Jersey, in the 1990’s so my racial struggles were close to non-existent. Being of Italian- American decent, if I had lived in the time of Arthur Ashe I still would not have faced racial struggles as greatly as African Americans did in that time. Arthur was the first born just as I was, except he was the first and only while I on the other hand have three siblings. We were both born into extremely loving and caring families. Arthur was raised by extremely strict parents and was not even allowed to go out after school or hang out with friends as I do occasionally. His father just like my parents set goals for self-reliance, discipline and responsibility. Because of those goals Arthur began to take great pride in his reputation. I also feel as if I’m always being judged. We have both been called â€Å"quiet† people but Arthur eventually grows out of that and my parents tell me I’m beginning to do the same. Both of our parents, to our displeasure, force us to do our numerous chores before anything else. The difference lies within the punishment for disobeying our parents wishes. The so called â€Å"beatings† that Arthur received in his time were nothing unordinary yet if those beatings were to occur t oday they would be seen as wrong and inhumane. Despite the differences we share many similar diversions such as good quality time with our families. Arthur was known to spend countless hours reading and listening to music with his mom. Yet at the age of 6 Arthur had to face one of the most traumatic expierences of his life when he lost his mother, M...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Make a Sparkler - Easy Homemade Firework

How to Make a Sparkler - Easy Homemade Firework Sparklers are a handheld fireworks that dont explode (pyrotechnic devices). They are easy to make, plus you can use your knowledge of chemistry to make colored sparks. Difficulty: Average Time Required: minutes to make, several hours drying time What You Need to Make a Sparkler Iron wires or wooden sticks300 parts potassium chlorate  60 parts aluminum fines, flitter, or granules2 parts charcoal10% dextrin in water solution500 parts strontium nitrate (optional, for red color)60 parts barium nitrate (optional, for green color) How to Make the Homemade Sparkler Mix the dry ingredients with enough dextrin solution to make a moist slurry. Include the strontium nitrate if you want a red sparkler or the barium nitrate if you want a green sparkler.Dip the wires or sticks in the sparkler mixture. Be sure to leave enough uncoated space at one end to safely grasp the finished sparkler.Allow the mixture to dry completely before igniting the sparkler.Store sparklers away from heat or flame, and protected from high humidity. Tips Parts are by weight.Be certain the sparkler is out and cooled before discarding it. This is easily accomplished by dipping the stick in a bucket of water.Firework use is restricted or prohibited in some areas. Please check your local laws before igniting homemade or purchased sparklers. Source  is L.P. Edel, Mengen en Roeren, 2nd edition (1936), p.22, as cited from Wouters Practical Pyrotechnics Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hillingdon Electricals Ltd Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Hillingdon Electricals Ltd - Coursework Example Moreover, building strong relationship with its business partners along with enhancing its reputation has also facilitated HEL to obtain significant values within its operating areas. However, since the last two years, HEL has been experiencing a significant decline of its market shares due to the rising competition in the respective business industry along with instability of the global economy. The consequences of significant losses incurred in the market share, resulted to an increase in the target set for its retail stores through the implementation of higher pricing strategy for its wide range of households and electronic products. Moreover, the company has also been identified to implement higher promotional activities in order to refurbish the annual sales of its retail stores. The strategy of changing business policies or regulations was highly motivated the organisation to cope with the potential challenges caused by the market competition and economic instabilities. Corresp ondingly, the case scenario of HEL demonstrates three major scenarios regarding the difficulties faced by the organisation with respect to the legal regulations and policies. The company has conducted a wide range of advertising programs through different media to publicise its newly developed pricing structure for the products offered by its retail outlets. According to the advertisement results, it has been observed that the newly built pricing structure has incorporated numerous issues associated with the price of each individual product that are significantly cheaper than other marketers. In this regard, the following discussion of the study includes a brief demonstration of each scenario and justifies effective legal policies for the organisation to evade its potential challenges. Scenario A - Tony and Ursula In relation to the issues observed in the case scenario, indicating to the challenges faced by Tony and Ursula, an error as recognised associated with the pricing strategy of the products offered by each individual store of HEL to be the base point of the conflicts witnessed by HEL. In this context, Tony, a customer of the retail store of HEL had accepted the offer made by the company and purchased an iPad from the company’s online website in a price that was published by the organisation through its advertisements. However, the company claimed that advertised price was erroneous due to a manual mistake and that the actual price of the product was much higher. Although, the retail store had also offered different promotional offers to uphold itsgoodwill, Tony refused to pay the actual market price of the product and bargained the product at the advertised price. In the similar context, another customer Ursula had also faced similar issue during the purchase of product Tablet from the retail store, which was similarly advertised at a cheap price as compared to its market price. Subsequently, HEL made a repeat offer to Ursula at a discounted by a higher price of the product, who further denied paying the actual amount against the product to the store. In relation to the brief synopsis of the scenario of Tony and Ursula, it can be apparently stated that the pricing structure of the products developed by HEL is associated

Analysis of a research study article Descriptive Vividness Paper

Analysis of a study article Descriptive Vividness - Research Paper Example Actually the objective of the researchers was to find methods on how to implement a successful conversation on the part of the General Practitioners to urge patients to quit smoking. Descriptive Vividness The obvious thing which strikes the reader after reading the research paper is it vividness in description. The article starts with an abstract with gives a brief synopsis of the background, the methods, the results and the conclusion of the survey. The authors then proceed to describe each of these points in detail. The Background of the paper narrates the previous records of such surveys in cigarette smoking, the purpose of this survey, the sample population selected for the research and in general the theories deduced from previous surveys on cigarette smoking. The paper gives a brief overview of the method used (QCA) for deducing the results and goes on to describe the participants of the survey. This section enumerates how the interviewees were chosen from among the population and how ethical and legal permission was obtained for the survey. The paper then describes the interview process which was conducted in the participants’ home by the General Practitioner. ... The paper follows up the results a vivid discussion on the empirical results. This contains the analytical portion of the paper. The research ends with the Concluding part which presents the practical results of the survey in a nutshell. The role of the spouses and close associates in the life of a smoker is found to be very significant and can influence him to stop smoking. Also General Practitioners can become successful in encouraging their smoking patients to quit smoking, if they cite case studies from previous history. Therefore, the paper describes at length the entire research process. Methodological Congruence Tromso is a city on Northern Norway which housed 61,000 residents in 2001. The population of Tromso, which was above the age of sixty, was surveyed and it was discovered that 82% of the men and 53% of the women had been daily smokers at one point of time. Out of this, 23% of both the men and women still used to smoke. Thus, a large number of the population had stopped smoking. When the researchers wanted to discover methods to encourage people to stop smoking, the population of Tromso proved to be very suitable. Thus, it can be inferred that the sample population selected for the survey interview had the characteristics of being a good sample population. (Medbo, Melbye & Rudebeck 2011 p2) The surveyors designed as Interview Guide which outlined the general guidelines of the Interview Process. It did not follow a very strict format; instead the guidelines of the process were semi-structured. There are both advantages we well as disadvantages of such a format. There are some people who are comfortable answering a lenient form of interview, which is not based on a strict question format. Such people offer their honest opinions

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sustainability and Built Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Sustainability and Built Environment - Assignment Example In order to write these SWMPs, constructors can access an SWMP template from the WRAP website, which was developed by the government initiative known as Waste Resources Action Plan (WRAP). First, the citation, application and commencement part of the first regulations cited in the SWMPs regulations 2008 states that the regulations came into force on April 6th, 2008, and applied only in England. The interpretation regulations describe a client i.e. a person who carries out a project during the course of business, or one who seeks services of another client that may be required to conduct their project. Also, these regulations define a construction site, which consists of any place where construction work is done or a place where construction workers can have access. However, this does not include any work within the construction site that is set aside for other purposes other than construction (Ma 163). According to Ma (163), construction work can be defined as the act of building, civil engineering and engineering construction work, which includes the conversion, alteration, renovation, construction, repairing, redecoration and maintenance among others. Also, it includes the preparation of a proposed structure, which consists of site clearance, excavation, exploration and investigation. However, as stated in these regulations, construction work does not include extraction or exploration of mineral resources or other preparatory activities are done on such areas of extraction and exploration. Exemptions are regulations, which do not include projects that relate to Part A installation based on the Environmental permitting in England. The fourth regulations describe the appointment of a principal contractor. According to these regulations, a client must appoint a principal contractor during a construction project where these regulations apply (Ma 164). However, in case the client does not appoint a contractor, he/she must carry out the obligations placed on the principal contractor by these regulations.     

First National Federal Bank Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

First National Federal Bank - Case Study Example In business today, the old adage about honesty is the best policy still holds true and it is more important than ever. Problem – this case deals with an ethical issue regarding the business practices of the First National Federal Bank located in the state of Wyoming. Loan officers are now required by the bank to adhere to changes implemented after the savings and loan debacle with regard in particular to ethical business practices. This emphasis on ethics is to avoid those problems that arose due to unsavory policies and procedures concerning the approval of bank loans. In this particular case, the issue at hand is whether to let a loan applicant pay for the cost of the officers out of town trip purposely to inspect the hard collateral offered by a client for his loan. It is a standard practice in the banking industry to require collaterals in exchange for a loan. A bank requires collateral as a guarantee for repayment because a loan client would rather not be in a position of abandoning his hard-earned collateral and lose it through foreclosure if a loan turns sour (bad). There is also ambigu ity between what is legal and what is ethical (moral). Inputs - the issue that bothered Shelby Grant the most was the question of whether to let one of their potential loan clients (Mr. Doug Whitton) pay for their trip to a ranch he owns as part of the bank's due diligence process of conducting an on-site evaluation (appraisal) of the offered collateral. At this point, it may seem unethical to let a client shoulder the expenses since there is no assurance the loan would be granted. Besides the collateral, there are factors that may work against loan approval such as credit history and repayment capacity (source of income to pay back the loan). If the two loan officers, Shelby Grant and Ben Garrison, would allow or accept the clients offer to pay for their trip, it may appear a bit awkward for them.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ethical Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Issues - Essay Example Ethics can also constitute a framework of co-operation between individuals who depend on each other, which is referred to as a kind of symbiosis, wherein both politics and economics are advanced symbiosis. Ethics was primarily concerned with relations between individuals, like the Mosaic Decalogue, which later evolved into relation between individual and society and the Golden Rule tries to find a mean between these two. Man's relation to land has not been studied ethically, and so humans enjoy the privileges without fulfilling their obligations. In the use of natural resources is found the greatest question of ethics, since it is a resource on which all individuals can claim ownership. The conservation movement of our times is the beginning of the understanding of our relation with land. Man, on account of this communal living, is being seen as a member of the land community and thus it is binding on him to respect this individual, called land. Men have been shaped by the characteristics of the land on which they live. The Mississippi Valley would have been different if the land had not yielded bluegrass, while the pioneers in the South-west, due to livestock grazing caused land deterioration. This plant succession turned the course of history and that is why, land as community is invaluable. When humans live in ... In southern Wisconsin, in spite of the farmers being offered lucrative deals to conserve the environment, were found to apply their knowledge only in those areas, which gave them monetary gains and failed to practice those which may have profited the community. When asked to frame laws in exchange for community help, in maintaining their lands, they failed to do so, because it might impede their economic progress. They lacked the ecological conscience which alone can improve the environment. Land Ethics and the government Attempts at conservation generally fail because of their lack of economic value. Wild flowers and songbirds are tossed aside in spite of being an integral part of the biotic community. Many animals which may have been hunted down to extinction were saved by attaching economic importance to them. Trees which fail to give monetary returns are cut down, but in Europe, ecological enlightenment recognizes non-commercial trees as natives of the forest, hence guaranteeing their preservation. In America, government agencies promote conservation, but private landowners alone can bring about better land ethics. Men whose industries are land or forest based decry governmental regulations in land conservation. The other alternative would be that more obligation should be assigned to the private land owner so that improvement could be brought about in relation to ownership of land. Population and Land Health The density of population has an adverse impact on land health which results in exploitative agriculture. Wastage is rampant in many areas and the blame is placed on climatic changes. The soil that was once rich is depleted of nutrients which results later in poor

Juvenile delinquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Juvenile delinquency - Essay Example And with the change in the family values in the modern world the pressure exerted on the juveniles according to the nature of their families has increased. Usually it is seen that the children who have a small family tend to make friends outside i.e. in their schools. These children then tend to get involved in peer activities which can at times result in delinquency. Thus family size can matter in curbing or increasing the rate of delinquency in the juveniles. Similarly the way the juveniles are being treated at their homes is also a strong factor in determining that a child would get involved with criminal activities or not. For e.g. child from a divorced couple may be more likely to get involve with these activities. Divorce is an important aspect which can lead to a distortion in the behavior of parents which can further lead the children to go into a state of trauma. This trauma can therefore lead to the involvement of children in unusual activities of criminal nature. On the ot her hand it can be noted that children who have been provided with proper care and treatment in their homes are less likely to be involved in such activities. Furthermore the social class to which the child belongs also plays an important role in determining his future. By social class here it is meant as to which class of the society does he belong to, i.e. race, ethnicity and status. Race and Ethnicity can be important in the lives of children as nowadays all over the world there is a widespread discrimination amongst certain castes. This discrimination can lead to negligence of the children by his other peers or teachers which may lead to distortion in his behavior. School plays an important role in the life of a child as it is the first public institution to which he is exposed in life. And if his first experience in school is loaded with taunts and abuses then he may land up in getting involved in criminal activities.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ethical Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Issues - Essay Example Ethics can also constitute a framework of co-operation between individuals who depend on each other, which is referred to as a kind of symbiosis, wherein both politics and economics are advanced symbiosis. Ethics was primarily concerned with relations between individuals, like the Mosaic Decalogue, which later evolved into relation between individual and society and the Golden Rule tries to find a mean between these two. Man's relation to land has not been studied ethically, and so humans enjoy the privileges without fulfilling their obligations. In the use of natural resources is found the greatest question of ethics, since it is a resource on which all individuals can claim ownership. The conservation movement of our times is the beginning of the understanding of our relation with land. Man, on account of this communal living, is being seen as a member of the land community and thus it is binding on him to respect this individual, called land. Men have been shaped by the characteristics of the land on which they live. The Mississippi Valley would have been different if the land had not yielded bluegrass, while the pioneers in the South-west, due to livestock grazing caused land deterioration. This plant succession turned the course of history and that is why, land as community is invaluable. When humans live in ... In southern Wisconsin, in spite of the farmers being offered lucrative deals to conserve the environment, were found to apply their knowledge only in those areas, which gave them monetary gains and failed to practice those which may have profited the community. When asked to frame laws in exchange for community help, in maintaining their lands, they failed to do so, because it might impede their economic progress. They lacked the ecological conscience which alone can improve the environment. Land Ethics and the government Attempts at conservation generally fail because of their lack of economic value. Wild flowers and songbirds are tossed aside in spite of being an integral part of the biotic community. Many animals which may have been hunted down to extinction were saved by attaching economic importance to them. Trees which fail to give monetary returns are cut down, but in Europe, ecological enlightenment recognizes non-commercial trees as natives of the forest, hence guaranteeing their preservation. In America, government agencies promote conservation, but private landowners alone can bring about better land ethics. Men whose industries are land or forest based decry governmental regulations in land conservation. The other alternative would be that more obligation should be assigned to the private land owner so that improvement could be brought about in relation to ownership of land. Population and Land Health The density of population has an adverse impact on land health which results in exploitative agriculture. Wastage is rampant in many areas and the blame is placed on climatic changes. The soil that was once rich is depleted of nutrients which results later in poor

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sport, Health and Exercise Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sport, Health and Exercise Psychology - Essay Example Performance on the field does not matter as much as it should. Informal performance appraisal by the team's owners and influencers detract from focusing on playing better as a team. I believe that the interventions which I initiated should be persisted with, and that the team management should be counseled to isolate the players from non-football aspects of each other's lives, and from the financial fortunes of the club as well. The recent misfortunes and desultory match performances of Hull United should not detract from the sterling achievements of reaching the Premier League of football. No team can aspire for this distinction without large measures of skills and talents. I have a decade of experience in sports psychology, though I am more accustomed to on-going assignments with younger people. I must confess to some trepidation at the prospect of a mere 2 months to effect dramatic changes in a team of professionals. This does not sit well with theories and best practices in sports psychology. ... both Hull United and I commit to an assignment without thorough discussions on realistic and feasible performance goals for myself as a sports psychologist. A Basic Approach I began preparations for the Hull United assignment by careful reflection on my past successes and failures in the profession over the past 10 years. It is easy for sports psychology to intrude in to fields of technical training for specific sports, and to attempt some general psychology, and even amateur psychiatry as well. There are situations in which such tangential efforts can pay dividends. Most contact sports, and even ones that are contests of wit and other mental skills, are seamless in terms of physical techniques and mental attributes. Football at the Premier League stage in particular, involves strategies which are combinations of techniques and mental strategies. All team games involve high degrees of inter-personal communication, which is both intense and largely non-verbal. Hence, separation of sports training and sports psychology is never easy, and may not even be desirable. The media, fans, and club management, exert such pressures on team members that a majority of professional sports people require psychiatric help in any case! There are social stigma attached to seeking this kind of professional help, and it can affect the stereotyped public image if it becomes known that a player is under psychiatric treatment. Therefore, sports psychologists and even coaches are forced in to situations which force them to perform some of the tasks of a psychiatrist. I decided to stay away from these traditional meanderings of sports psychology, at least for this Hull United assignment. A 50-day period would never be enough to build bridges with the coach and the players, to an extent

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tylenol In Capsule Form Essay Example for Free

Tylenol In Capsule Form Essay The capsule is the most popular form of taking medicines as these are easy to swallow. Capsules have a symbolic significance as well as these represent strength. Thus patients perceive a dual advantage of convenience and a psychological boost of taking a potent medicine.   The tamper resistant packing was introduced by Johnson and Johnson in November 1982 within a few months of the initial crisis. This followed standards laid down in regulations by the Food and Drug Administration. The packing was considered very sturdy and difficult to be tampered with. These had glued flaps on the outer box which had to be forcibly opened and a tight plastic seal surrounded the cap inside with an inner foil which wrapped the mouth of the bottle. It also had a label which warned customers not to use if safety seal was broken. Thus at that time perhaps Johnson and Johnson was justified in introducing the capsules in tamper proof packing. This made sound business sense as it implied that only the packing had to be manufactured, while the capsule could be continued in its original form.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However this decision of the company proved to be short sighted as in 1986, a second incident of tampering of the same drug occurred. While this was immediately controlled, it was evident that capsule was not the safest form for a mass consumed drug as Tylenol as the seals could be apparently opened and refixed after the capsule was tampered with. Finally the company discontinued the sale of the drug in capsule form and the caplet form was introduced.[1] Thus it is felt that in the long run the decision of Johnson and Johnson to market the capsules in tamper proof packing as opposed to developing the caplets was not ethically in order. The company could well have waited to develop the caplet and avoided the ignominy of another blow to its brand which could survive only due to its goodwill with the masses. [1]

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Separate Peace Essay -- essays research papers

A Separate Peace: by John Knowles   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During World War II in the struggle for peace among nations comes a smaller, but still significant struggle, in a prep school boy becoming a man and waking up to reality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the book A Separate Peace, the author John Knowles, creates the image of two sixteen-year old boys struggling to keep what little sense of peace they know, even though there is a war going on all around them. Gene Forrester, the narrator of the story also struggles with an inner conflict of his secret resentment of his best friend Phineas (Finny). Phineas struggles with the disbelief that he can never be of any use to the war efforts with a â€Å"busted leg.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gene Forrester, the main character in the book, returns to his old prep school-Devon- that he attended some fifteen years earlier. While there he remembers the incident that changed his life. In the summer of 1942, Gene and his friends stayed at their prep school for the summer session. His best friend in those days was a boy named Phineas, or Finny. During that time World War II was going on and the sixteen-year old boys were trying to preserve the peace in their lives, before they would be old enough to be drafted into the war-just one year later. One day Finny, the best athlete in the school, came up with the crazy idea to jump out of a tree into a river. All of the seventeen-year olds had accomplished this task because it was a mandatory test for the war. Phineas, naturally was the first sixteen-year old to conquer this feat; so Gene was the second. None of the other boys ever tried the jump. After a while the two made it an almost day-to-day activity. The two boys were a lot alike, but Gene had this underlying resentment of Finny and he felt that Finny was deliberately trying to make him do badly in school because he was constantly dragging Gene along with him to go jump out of the tree. One time Finny decided that he and Gene should do a double jump, since that had never been done before. While up on the limb, Finny is the further out then Gene, and Gene gets this sudden impulse to shake the limb, which sends Finny plummeting into the shallow part of the river, breaking his leg. After the accident, Finny could never play any sports again; merely being able to walk is a blessing. For the duration of the ... ...t contribute to any of the war efforts himself. He wrote to every group that was associated to the war and fighting for the peace, but he always got the same reply saying that they had no use of a person with a crippled leg. Gene finally wakes up to reality when Finny dies. He realizes the way of life that he was living while a Devon, and the type of person that he had become. After Finny died though, Gene discovers that he created a war between himself and Finny that never existed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The author gets his point across and does a very good job at it. The book was very interesting and enlightening. It makes the reader think about their friendships and their life in general. People should not let little things rule their lives. Underlying resentment could build up to something very dangerous and destructive. The reader also learns from this book that there is a big world out there and one needs to become mature enough to fulfill their adulthood duties. The author lastly shows that everyone is fighting their own personal war, but how someone handles it is based on their maturity and their knowledge of knowing the difference between imagination and reality.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The History of Roller Coasters Essay -- Roller Coasters Amusement Park

The History of Roller Coasters Everyone remembers their first ride on a roller coaster, an experience of terror, joy and excitement, as you tower over amusement parks going through curves and loops. From wooden wonders and steel coasters to twisters and corkscrews, the great rides began with the Russian ice slides in the 17th century and have developed into the ultimate thrill machines of today. The origins of the roller coaster will probably never be a settled issue, historians and coaster enthusiasts could argue where it all began (Harris). The success and evolution of the roller coaster and white-knuckle ride has inextricably mirrored the growth and changing perception of the amusement park industry over the years. A period of intense innovation and development in roller coaster science have been interrupted by long periods of decline and neglect, but with each era comes a new success for coasters. Many inventors have aided to the progression of roller coasters and what they are today and it is important t o understand what they have done. There are many inventors who have contributed to the advancements of roller coasters and each of them have had a huge impact on what roller coasters are today. The earliest inventor would be August John Mueller, known as John Miller professionally, who was born in Homewood, Illinois in 1874. At the age of 19 Miller started working with a man named LaMarcus Thompson and became his chief engineer. By 1911, Miller was a consultant to the Philadelphia Toboggan Company (PTC), where he designed more than a dozen coasters for PTC, including the mammoth Giant Coaster at Paragon Park in Nantasket Beach, Massachusetts. During the late twenties and the Depression years Miller was associate... ...r Coaster Thrills in 3-D. Distributed by Goldhil Video, Thousand Oaks, CA 1994. (ES) Bennett, David (1998). Roller Coaster: Wooden and Steel Coasters, Twisters, and Corkscrews. New Jersey: Cartwell Books, Inc. (SS) Harris, Tom (1998). How Roller Coasters Work. [Accessed 9 April 2002]. (PS) Rathe, Andrew. Coaster – 2001. [Accessed 15 April 2002]. (ES) Sandy, Adam (1996). Roller Coasters. [Accessed 9 April 2002]. (PS) Silverstein, Herma. Scream Machines: Roller Coasters Past, Present and Future. New York: Walker, 1986. (PS) Throgmorton, Todd H. Roller Coasters of America. Osceola, Wis.: Motorbooks International, 1994. (PS) Wiese, Jim. Roller Coaster Science. New York: John Wiley, 1994. (PS)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Healthy Lifestyles Essay

Health lifestyles, in turn, are ways of living that promote good health and longer life expectancy as stated in the assignment. Health lifestyles that promote good health and longer life expectancy would be one where the person has contact with doctors and takes care of themselves completely. While going to the doctors and taking care of oneself is extremely important so is taking care of ourselves outside of the health care system. We have to eat a proper diet and exercise. Most importantly the person has to be able to stick with it and drink water to make sure that they are hydrated and do not get sick from exercising. The person also needs to get adequate amounts of rest. I think that one theory that would support this point of view would be the theory of the â€Å"Looking- Glass Self† (Cockerham, 2012). Cooley ´s concept of the looking glass self-states that each person grows when they interact with other people (Cockerham, 2012). How we look at ourselves comes from how other people perceive us. Actually, how we see ourselves does not come from who we really are, but rather from how we believe others see us. The reason I say that is because most people see themselves how others see them. Or what they think others see them as. In my opinion that is what encourages people to start living and eating the right things. Exercising because of their self-image and what they think that others think about them. The second theory would have to be the theory of health lifestyles. I am unsure if this is an actual theory or not. Cockerham’s theory basically states that individuals have the right to interpret their situation, as well as make choices. This is true, people do make their own decisions, however as he also pointed out that all social action takes place in contexts that imply both constraints and opportunities. By being able to choose to exercise, eat right and to see the doctor it is fully in that persons hand to live a healthy lifestyle. I would say reduce the amount of stress that you encounter especially if you know what causes you stress. Also exercise daily and eat healthy. The person should also get plenty of rest since sleeping too much or too little can worsen anyone’s mood. It is alway s a good idea to pace yourself when you are exercising though. You do not want to end up hurting yourself if you push yourself too hard in the beginning when you are just starting to exercise. The more you exercise the more your body will get used to it and you can exercise more and boost your endurance and stay healthy. I think there are eight (8) components to the model. They  would be 1.) Class circumstances/ age/ gender/ race and or ethnicity collectives living conditions 2.) Socialization Experience 3.) Life Choices, 4.) Life Chances (both 3 and 4 interplay) 5.) Dispositions to Act 6.) Practices, 7.) Alochol use, smoking, diet, exercise, checkups, seatbelts etc. 8.) Health Lifestyles (reproduction). I think that it is very effective even today. It still applies. The demographics and life choices makes sense when trying to get someone to be healthy. They are still as valid and relate to present day situations as it did when the model in the study of health behavior and healthy lifestyle was first done. References Cockerham, W. (n.d.). Medical Sociology (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mandatory Life without Parole for Juveniles Essay

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Currently, over 2,500 people are serving a life sentence without the option of parole for crimes committed as adolescents. Fortunately, this policy is not considered in all states. Twelve states have discontinued life sentences without the option of parole for juveniles. Almost two- thirds of life without parole sentences for juveniles (JLWOP) happens in five states. Seventy-three children were ages 13 or 14 at time that their crime was committed. Research has been conducted that proves the vast difference in brain development of a child compared to an adult. Society does not allow minors to purchase cigarettes or alcohol, enlist into the military or enter into a legal binding agreement such as an apartment lease until the age of 18 or older because of the knowledge that minors are not mature enough to make certain decisions. However, when a minor commits homicide we allow them to be sentenced as an adult and disregard their partial brain development and decreased culpability. It is the responsibility of society to protect our children from cruel and unusual punishment such as juvenile life without parole sentences. The policy brief will give a history of the juvenile justice system, trends, and current state. Brief will also address importance of the problem and recommendations for reform of this policy. CONTEXT AND IMPORTANCE OF THE PROBLEM Almost everyone would agree that children are the core of our future. Therefore, it is imperative that we have laws/policies in place that will protect them from cruel and unusual punishment in any capacity. However, much debate continues to arise concerning mandatory life in prison without the possibility of parole for juvenile offenders. In attempting to change a social policy concerning the juvenile justice system it is important to address the concern in its context. Therefore, reviewing the history of the juvenile justice system is imperative when attempting to understand the system in its current state. The attitude of society towards juvenile offenders has drastically changed over the years and therefore impacted the overall goal of the system. The juvenile system was established in the late 1800s with the goal to reform and rehabilitate. During this time it was the  belief that â€Å"bad environments caused bad children†. Consequently, specialized institutions called reformatories were formed to inseminate home like environments. The main belief that motivated this structure of the system was that children were far different from adults and would have unique individualized needs. Contrary to the gentle idea of reformatories children were often subjected to harsh labor conditions in factories and farms. Often, children who reached fifteen years of age were seen as children with little to no hope of rehabilitation and as a result were transferred to adult prisons. During this era the system was not prepared to address serious offenses committed by juveniles and therefore lacked execution of formal due process rights. In 1899 the first juvenile court system was created and soon after in 1906 the first federal system followed. By 1925, almost all states established juvenile court systems and probation services. Due to a case in 1966 the Court decided that juveniles had the right to have procedural protections and due process rights. In the late 1980s violent crimes committed by juveniles dramatically increased. The increase in crime resulted in stricter crime legislation all through the nation. The new legislation was said to be motivated by fear due to frequent incidents of school violence. This legislation formed the belief that adult crimes should be addressed with adult punishment. Consequences to juvenile crime seemed to be more punitive, contrary to past ideas of rehabilitation and reform for juveniles. The number of juvenile offenders being imprisoned enlarged and the cruelty of sentencing began to include life without parole. More recently, it seems that the overall attitude of society has changed again towards juvenile offenders. Society has begun to focus on the obvious differences between children and adults and children’s ability to mature and change. Recent studies on adolescent brain development confirm that children are different from adults in ways that are important when attempting to identify appropriate sentences for juveniles. In addition, recent Supreme Court rulings have banned the use of capital punishment for juveniles and also limited life without parole sentences to homicide offenders. Furthermore, in 2012 the Court ordered judges to consider each individual child’s mitigating circumstances. This ruling prohibited mandatory sentences of life without parole for all juveniles. In 2005, Roper v. Simmons, the Supreme Court ruled that juveniles can no longer be sentenced to death for  crimes committed when they were younger than 18 years of age. This ruling stated that a death sentence was cruel and unusual punishment for juveniles as they are immature and therefore less culpable. Consequently, this ruling affected 72 juvenile offenders in twelve states. Before this decision 22 people were killed for crimes committed as minors. Following the Roper decision the harshest sentence for a minor was life without parole. In 2010 Graham v. Florida, the Court prohibited life without parole sentencing for minors not convicted of murder. The ruling immediately affected the sentencing of 123 prisoners. Following this ruling it was recognized that crimes that do not end in murder were less deserving of the most serious punishment. After the rulings that prohibited the death penalty for minors and restricted the sentence of life without parole to murder crimes almost 2,500 prisoners were serving sentences of life without parole for crimes committed as minors. However, in 2012 Miller v. Alabama and Jackson v. Hobbs, the Supreme Court ruled that for minors the life without parole sentence was a direct violation of the Eighth Amendment. This ruling required that judges consider the juveniles character and extenuating circumstances in an attempt to give a fair sentence. As stated previously, a number of professionals have reported that adolescent brains are not fully developed and therefore over time will develop and provide capability for change as children mature. Adolescence is known to be noticeable by â€Å"transient rashness and inability to assess consequences.† In addition, people serving life without parole sentences lives vary but usually have been plagued with difficult upbringings, exposure to violence, and direct abuse. It is important that when determining sentencing for a juvenile that family and home environment are considered. Moreover, racial inequality seems to factor into the burden of this sentence. â€Å"While 23.2% of juvenile arrests for murder involve an African American suspected of killing a white person, 42.4% of JLWOP sentences are for African-American convicted of this crime. White juvenile offenders with African American victims are only half as likely to receive JLWOP sentences†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Approximately 2,000 prisoners who are currently serving juvenile life without parole sentences may be affected by this decision. The most recent ruling, Miller v. Alabama affects mandatory sentencing  policies in 29 states and the federal government. There are currently no guidelines about how states should implement retroactivity of this ruling. As a result, there have been very different reactions to the way that states will handle retroactivity of this ruling. Some state Supreme Courts have decided that Mille implies retroactively and other states have decided that Miller is not retroactive. However, most states have not changed their statues and therefore have left many prisoners anxiously waiting for possible resentencing. Currently, fifteen states do not have prisoners serving life without parole sentences and the remaining 35 states have less than 100 prisoners serving life without parole sentences for crimes committed as juveniles. Furthermore, the monetary cost for JLWOP is astronomical. Housing cost for juveniles serving LWOP requires decades of public expenditures. It is estimated that the annual cost for incarceration per inmate is approximately 31,000. Due to increased medical expenses after the age of 55 the annual cost raises to 65,000. Therefore, a lifetime sentence for a juvenile will cost taxpayers almost 2 million dollars. SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS There have been great strides concerning cruel and unusual punishment for sentencing of juvenile offenders. Removing juvenile life without parole for all juveniles would not guarantee release of offenders. However, it would provide the opportunity for the offender’s case to be reviewed once he/she has served a realistic amount of their sentence. During this review the offenders individual circumstances, such as their family and home environment would be considered when decided to grant the possibility of parole. In several other countries a mandatory review is completed once the offenders serve 10 to 15 years of their sentence. However, if sufficient rehabilitation has not occurred the individual will remain in prison and another review be granted in the next five years. There is growing support for this method of reform concerning JLWOP. The state of California now provides offenders a realistic opportunity at parole after 15-25 years if their crime was committed while they w ere minors. Also, requiring Miller’s retroactivity for all states would be a great stride  in the area of policy reform. Opponents to retroactivity argue that Miller did not ban life without parole for juvenile offenders but instead required that a judge follow a particular process when imposing the penalty. Those against retroactivity also highlight the significant cost of requiring this. They also dispute that resentencing could take resources from current cases in order to focus on old cases where facts may not be available or non-existent. Furthermore, this could activate the right to counsel for offenders who wish to challenge their sentence which would also add to the cost of retroactivity. Opponents strongly insist that funds would be better directed at reforming juvenile sentencing for sentencing after Miller. On the contrary, proponents of retroactivity argue that the court meant for its ruling to be retroactive. Opponents state that â€Å"once a new rule is functional to the defendant in the case announcing the rule, evenhanded justice requires that it be applied retroactively to all who are similarly situated.† For that reason, when the Court reversed Jackson v. Hobbs it also authorized the retroactivity of other cases similar positioned. Replacing mandatory life without parole with lesser sentences such as life with the possibility of parole or eliminating juvenile life without parole altogether is also another recommendation for reform of this policy. The best solution seems to be individualized sentencing for juvenile offenders. This solution would require individual sentence hearing for minors with crimes of murder and individual evaluation. However, if this law was required to be retroactive family of the victims would directly be affected by this change. Families may have to endure the potential impact of parole board hearing for the offender. In addition, community members who have a financial investment in the business of prisons would also be directly affected as their revenue would greatly decrease over time. Lastly, schools and Social workers can work to identify children who may be experiencing difficulty in the family and home environment and offer services in an attempt to prevent the child from committing a crime and therefore having to be introduced to the juvenile justice system. REFERENCES The End of Mandatory Juvenile Life without Parole. Kennedy, Megan. Criminal Justice Policy Review. Sep. 2014, Vol. 25 Issue 5, p553-578. 26p DO1: 10. 1177/0887430341. Review for Release: Juvenile Offenders, State Parole Practices & the Eight Amendment. Russell, Sarah French. Indiana Law Journal. Winter 2014, Vol. 89 Issue 1, p373-440. 68p. Just Grow Up Already: The Diminished Culpability of Juvenile Gang Members After Miller V. Alabama. Kellogg, Sarah A. Boston College Law Review. 2014, Vol. 55 Issue 1, p265-299. 35p. Branded for Life: The Unconstitutionality of Mandatory& Life time Juvenile Sex Offender Registration& Notification. Parker, Shannon C. Virginia Journal of Social Policy& the Law. 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p167-205. Criminal Law-Juvenile Life without Parole Sentences-Eleventh Circuit Holds that Miller Is Not Retroactive. Harvard Law Review. Feb. 2014, Vol. 127. Issue 4, p1252-1259. 8p. Mitigating After Miller: Legislative Considerations & Remedies for the Future of Juvenile Sentencing. Fiorillo, Sara E. Boston University Law Review. Dec 2013, Vol. 93 Issue 6, p2095- 2129, 35p. Symposium: Bombshell or Baby step? The Ramifications of Miller V Alabama for Sentencing Law& Juvenile Crime Policy. Litton, Paul. Missouri Law Review. Fall 2013, Vol 78 Issue 4, P 1003-1014. 12p.

Curriculum Development

AN OVERVIEW OF CURRICULUM Introduction Ever since the term curriculum was added to educators' vocabularies, it has seemed to convey many things to many people. To some, curriculum has denoted a specific course, while to others it has meant the entire educational environment. Whereas perceptions of the term may vary, it must be recognized that curriculum encompasses more than a simple definition. Curriculum is a key element in the educational process; its scope is extremely broad, and it touches virtually everyone who is involved with teaching and learning.Origin of Curriculum The idea of curriculum is hardly new – but the way we understand and theorize it has altered over the years – and there remains considerable dispute as to meaning. The word curriculum originated in ancient Rome as a chariot race course. Julius Caesar talked about which team of horses, driver, chariot would be able to run the curriculum fastest. It was, literally, a course. In Latin curriculum was a racing chariot; currere was to run. â€Å"Currere is derived from the Latin infinitive verb that means ‘to run the racecourse.Historical Definitions of Curriculum Historical definitions typically envision curriculum as a planned sequence of learning or instructional experiences that a student/learner is subjected to under the auspices of the school. To be sure these definitions limited the application of curricular experiences to the school setting. Emergent definitions have looked at curriculum more broadly. According to Connelly and Clandinin curriculum â€Å"can be viewed as a person's life experience. † This definition sees merit due to the change in technology.Connelly and Clandinins’ definition came several decades after Smith, Good, Taba, Foshay and Tanner. Technology has influenced the medium in which curriculum is delivered. There is no â€Å"traditional way† anymore. â€Å"One's life course of action† will determine what will be studied and how. Influences and Developments Curriculum has had strong historical roots. From before Tyler crafted the major questions that we ask about curriculum (Tyler,1949), theorists have been concerned about the ways in which teachers and schools plan learning experiences for all learners.These pre-occupations have influenced the development of Curriculum theory from the outset. Invariably, curriculum has long been influenced by factors outside of the school. Such influences include history, society, psychology and politics. Social and Political Influences and Curriculum Evolution Social and political developments have continuously contributed to ideas about the components and definitions of curriculum. At the turn of the century Franklin Bobbit constructed his definition of curriculum on the basis of objectives based on adult work life (Bobbit,1918).Social emphasis was on the advancement of science and industry this approach also influenced the curriculum theories of other thinkers o f the time. John Dewey's definition of curriculum which though a more progressive in that it focused on learning by doing rather than rote learning and dogmatic instruction also maintained some influence from this area of science and industry. In 1891 William Torrey Harris introduced the idea of organized learning and learning with text books. Has practical application of a systematization of the curriculum laid the groundwork for an industrialized model of curriculum implementation.Other societal influences to the curriculum include legal decisions and government policy. Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark case in the history of American education. The case was in response to social events which entrenched racialized schooling and curriculum in the United States. From the 1892 Plessy v. Ferguson case, the precedent of â€Å"separate but equal† was set, resulting in separate schools for white and black children. The Brown decision set the stage for more aggressive cent ralized decision- making at the Federal level with regards to public education.It set the stage for Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Furthermore, it is unlikely that the Department of Education would have been established in 1979, were it not for the Brown decision in 1954. Social and political influences have contributed to education having mandated norms. There are mandated times that are allotted for each subject as well as mandated subjects. In many sectors, such as local school districts and school boards, curriculum is considered to be the official written document from the higher authority.Such a document is seen as a mandated template that must be followed by all teachers. Technology Advances Technological change is redefining not only how we communicate, but in turn, is redefining how we need to educate. The ready availability of information has lessened the necessity for a curriculum that is teacher cente red and rooted in the aim to prepare citizens for an industrial society. The development of analytical skills and higher order thinking is increasingly an important focus of the modern curriculum.The stakeholders and interest groups in this process are many and varied, with pressure for change and reform brought from teachers, schools and school councils, government authorities, industry and students themselves. All have differing perspectives on the best curriculum planning models to deal with this change. As technology advances and the world undergoes massive changes, theorists will redefine definitions. Influences of future times will regulate new definitions. It would only make sense for the definition of curriculum to change as advances have been made in the world and will continue to be made.A true researcher or theorists will collect new data, conduct new experiments to challenge and add to the beginning founders definitions of curriculum. As you read and research you to will either create or adapt your own definition of curriculum and this definition will be a result of what is going on in the world, your economic status and your views of education. New technology based definitions would include wording to accommodate the times. In preparing for the working world, which at present is technical, curriculum would include electronic, computerized verbiage.What was once known as a textbook will become prehistoric. More and more computer based learning is occurring and curriculum will be designed to facilitate future life skills. Figure 1: source: http://en. wikibooks. org/wiki/File:Curriculum_Definitions. jpg Definitions of â€Å"Curriculum† Definitions of the curriculum varies from the simplest listing of subjects to be taken for a particular program or degree to the most complex definition as a learning experience to achieve a particular educational goal. This also suggests that there is no universally accepted definition of the term curriculum.Al lan Glatthorn (1987, p. 1) said : â€Å"Even experts can’t agree on what curriculum means. Below you will find a list of definitions of curriculum. 1. John Kerr defines curriculum as, ‘All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school. (quoted in Kelly 1983: 10; see also, Kelly 1999). This gives us some basis to move on – and for the moment all we need to do is highlight two of the key features: a. Learning is planned and guided. We have to specify in advance what we are seeking to achieve and how we are to go about it. . The definition refers to schooling. We should recognize that our current appreciation of curriculum theory and practice emerged in the school and in relation to other schooling ideas such as subject and lesson. 2. Allan Glatthorn defines curriculum as a plan made for guiding learning in schools, usually presented in retrievable documents of several levels of generality, and the implementation of those plans in the classroom; It also includes those experiences that take place in a learning environment that also influences what is learned. Glatthorn,) According to Flordeliza Reyes, (Engineering the Curriculum) Glatthorn’s definition is very comprehensive because it covers both the curriculum plans (guides) and their implementations (instruction). Reyes also stressed that the limitation of Glatthorn’s definition is that it excludes learning experiences, which are planned by the curriculum developer or by the teacher, but are not presented in written form or documents. (P. 1) 3.Flordeliza Reyes defined curriculum as the totality of curricular content (subject matter) and learning experiences the learner goes through to achieve intended educational purposes or outcomes against which his progress will be evaluated. (Ibid. , ) Inherent in Reyes’ definition are the four basic anatomical components of the curriculum: a. Educational purposes or intended educational outcomes; b. Curricular content or subject matter covered by the curriculum; c. Learning experiences the student goes through; and d. Evaluation scheme to assess the extent to which the educational purposes or learning outcomes have been achieved. . Some authors define curriculum as the total effort of the school to bring about desired outcomes in school and out-of-school situations. It is also defined as a sequence of potential experiences set up in school for the purpose of disciplining children and youth in group ways of thinking and acting. a. Howell and Evans define curriculum a structured set of learning outcomes or tasks that educators usually call goals and objectives (1995). While other writers define curriculum as the â€Å"what of teaching†, or â€Å"listing of subjects to be taught in school. † b. a plan or program for all the experiences that the leader encounters under the direction of the school. † Peter F. Oliva (1997, p. 8) c. â€Å"Curriculum development is a process whereby the choices of designing a learning experience for students are made and then activated through a set of coordinated activities. † Wiles ; Bondi (1998, p. 3) d. â€Å"The ‘curriculum,' refers not only to the official list of courses offered by the school—we call that the ‘official curriculum'—but also to the purposes, content, activities, and organization of the educational program actually created in schools by teachers, students, and administrators. Walker & Soltis (1997, p. 1) e. Curriculum is a verb, an activity, or for William Pinar, an inward journey. The modern curriculum development rationale has truncated the etymological meaning and reduced curriculum to a noun, the racecourse itself. Thus, generations of educators have been schooled to believe that the curriculum is a tangible object, the lesson plans we implement, or the course guides we follow, rather than the p rocess of running the racecourse. † Patrick Slattery (1995, p. 56) f. The curriculum of a school, or a course, or a classroom can be conceived of as a series of planned events that are intended to have educational consequences for one or more students. † Elliot Eisner (1985, p. 45) g. â€Å"Curriculum is an explicitly and implicitly intentional set of interactions designed to facilitate learning and development and to impose meaning on experience. † Miller & Seller (1990, p. 3) Thus, it can be said that a curriculum is a document which describes a structured series of learning objectives and outcomes for a given subject matter area.It includes a specification of what should be learned, how it should be taught, and the plan for implementing/assessing the learning The Subsystems of Curriculum Inferring from the different definitions of curriculum, it can be deduced that there are three sub-systems. Garcia enumerates the following(Curriculum Design, p. 7-8) 1. The fo rmal curriculum which normally refers to the Philosophy, Mission, Vision, Objectives of the school alongside with the subjects and the activities needed deliver the instruction.Lesson plans, session guides, modules, as well as syllabi are also considered part of the formal curriculum. In short, formal curriculum is the primary focus of the curriculum. 2. The Extra Class or Curriculum Extension includes co-curricular activities like school papers, various student organizations, convocations, and the like, as well as ancillary school services such as guidance service, library service, health, canteen and the like which are primarily intended to support the formal curriculum. 3. The Hidden Curriculum is either supportive of or contradictory to the formal curriculum and the extra curriculum.The hidden curriculum includes the school policies, rules and regulations including school climate. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT vs CURRICULUM ENGINEERING Curriculum engineering is comprised of the followi ng processes: curriculum development, (the process of improving an existing curriculum or making a new curriculum) curriculum implementation,(the process of ensuring that the planned or designed curriculum has been adapted or implemented) and curriculum evaluation (process of determining the effectiveness of the curriculum as well as the efficiency of its implementation).Hence, curriculum engineering comprises all processes and activities that are necessary to keep the school curriculum dynamic and functional. (Reyes, p. 3) Curriculum development is defined as the process of selecting, organizing, executing and evaluating the learning experiences on the basis of the needs, abilities, and interest of learners, and on the basis of the nature of the society or community. (Saguil et al, p. 15) It takes into consideration the following factors: 1.The nature of society which includes the cultural heritage, the needs and demands as well as the economic, social, political, cultural, moral a nd other concerns of the people; 2. The interest, the needs, previous experiences and problems of the learners; and 3. The educational and psychological principles based on the findings of scientific studies and experimentation. It can also be said that curriculum development is a continuous process for the possibilities of improving the teaching – learning situation.Its goal is a positive change; process; transformation in the lives of the learners based on schools mission and goals. It should be produced in coordinated program of meaningful experiences for learner’s development. (2009 Ed. ) Curriculum development is a decision-making process that involves a variety of concerns. (Bago). An ideal curriculum engineering involves different stakeholders, ranging from the School superintendent, principals, and curriculum directors. (Beauchamp, 1981).These shall be assisted by administrators and teachers who are either subject specialists, generalists, or trained curriculum specialists; experts in specific disciplines who act as consultants; a classroom teacher who is responsible for the implementation of the curriculum; lay persons who are experts from industry (industry practitioner); and students and alumni to give feedback regarding the curriculum being evaluated can be used for improvement purposes. (Reyes: p. 4) Subject or Course, Session or Lesson Plan, Syllabus, Field of Study & Program In order to have a better understanding of curriculum, the ollowing must be considered, though different from a curriculum, are related to the concept of curriculum: Subject (for Basic Education)/ Course for Tertiary and Graduate studies consists of learning content and experiences that can be completed by the learner within a school term for which a credit unit is earned. Philosophy, Philippine History, English 1, Math 1, are examples of subject or course. Session or Lesson Plan generally consists of objectives, content or subject matter, learning experience o r activities, as well as evaluation of the learning. SyllabusThe single most important instrument of structure in a course is the SYLLABUS, which outlines the goals and objectives of a course, prerequisites, the grading/evaluation scheme, materials to be used (textbooks, software), topics to be covered, a schedule, and a bibliography. Each of these components defines the nature of the learning experience. Goals and objectives identify the expected outcomes and scope of the course as determined by the instructor or course designer, restricting the domain of knowledge for the learner. Prerequisites limit the student population to those with certain kinds of learning experiences, usually other courses.The grading or evaluation scheme tells students what kind of learning activities are to be valued (e. g. , assignments, tests, papers, projects), that is, the currency of learning in this particular course. Topics to be covered specify the content that the instructor feels is important. T he schedule provides a timetable for learning, usually with milestones in the form of due dates or tests. Field of Study refers to a combination of subjects or courses comprising one of the standard disciplines that can be completed by a learner across school terms.Example, Social Science as a field of study is comprised of but not limited to History, Sociology, Economics, Psychology. Program is usually completed in more than one year. It is the most expansive example or part of curriculum. The completion of a program enables the learner to proceed to the next or higher level of schooling such as nursery to kindergarten, preparatory, elementary, secondary tertiary, graduate to post graduate studies. Other terms Related to Curriculum Engineering Curriculum Plan is the advance arrangement of learning opportunities for a particular population of learners.Curriculum Guide is the written curriculum plan. Curriculum Planning is the process whereby these arrangements of curriculum plans or learning opportunities are created. Curriculum Laboratory is a place or workshop where curriculum materials are gathered or used by teachers or learners of curriculum. Resource Unit is a collection or suggested learning activities and materials organized around a given topic or area which a teacher might utilize in planning, developing, and evaluating a learning unit. Curriculum development An Analysis of Philippine Educational Curriculum† To attain the progress of our country, the quality of education is one of the factors which contributes to the development of our economy and to have the quality of education, the national curriculum should set a clear direction and should have an empowered teaching force manned by excellent teachers that are properly guided by supervisors, and conducive learning environment that fosters learning among students that includes materials, technology. ND learning resources. In our country, it takes ten years of schooling under basic education and students armorial started going to school at the age of 6 in elementary level, starts in Grade 1 up to Grade 6. And proceeds to High School which takes 4 years and after finishing that long years, at the age of 16, they continue studying to higher education.Compared to other developed country, it takes 12 to 13 years of schooling in the basic education. As what Vive read, it says that the l onger years of schooling means more learning, more time spent to master skills and develop competencies, deepening of learning outcomes, and more opportunities to be exposed to the learning environment.